Amelia Bedelia
A beautiful little baby girl.
Miss Amelia was born on February 12th.
Before I left with BSA Troop 407 to go to St. Croix for their trip.. I specifically told my cousin “DO NOT POP THAT BABY OUT UNTIL I COME BACK!!” Sure enough, I’m not gone for 2 days and she messages me that she’s headed to the hospital to give birth to her 2nd baby girl!
My best friends now have a baby all their own. Miss Amelia Mae. Born at 7lbs, 2oz and 21 inches long. She came a month early, born into a family with more love than anyone could image.
Amelia Bedelia— oh the places you will go, oh the dreams you will chase, oh the love that you will have.
Welcome to the cousin crew.

A New Start
You may have noticed a few changes as you entered our site. It’s been a long time coming, and I have FINALLY put my website ahead of other objectives in my life.
With the new and improved format, and updated imagery— I am implementing a new experience for Harmony Renee Photography Wedding Clients. New faster previews, and quicker editing times. Quality is first and foremost, and of course our customer service will be heightened.
This change is a direct result of me transitioning from a part-time photographer, working a full time job. To a FULL-TIME photographer.. working solely for YOU! I’m so excited about these changes and being able to give my absolutely everything to each of you and your memories.
Thank you for joining me on this journey!