Black Friday Deals
Today is Black Friday, and tomorrow is Small Business Saturday. In celebration of both of these Harmony Renee Photography is offering an awesome deal for anyone booking today or tomorrow!
We are offering $25 off full price sessions, and $25 of professional printing credits, with these sessions! That is a $50 value! (Able to be used with any session from Newborn to Weddings).
The only catch is that you MUST purchase your deal today, tomorrow, Sunday or Monday before midnight (heck, why not honor Cyber Monday also!)
To purchase your deal, please contact Harmony Renee at (570) 493-6751, send a message to our inbox, or email us at We will email you a voucher once payments are made, or we will make a time to set up delivery.
*As the Holiday and Engagement Season approaches, remember we do offer Gift Cards*